Tuesday, October 14, 2008

movies: Elizabeth review

I finally managed to watch Shekhar KAPUR's Elizabeth and Elizabeth - The Golden Age. KAPUR is a good director. But I find him rather myopic. He has a great eye for detail within a frame but he is not an epic director like Peter JACKSON or George LUCAS. As for the movies themselves, I watched these movies coz I had just watched The Other Boleyn Girl and wanted more. But, sigh ... Facts, epic proportions, gripping scenes, all these are missing. Making movie is one thing. Story telling within is another different art. You want good story telling without a story, just listen to Samuel L. JACKSON or Robert DOWNING Jr. or Don Lafontaine narrate. That's art.

I had seen KAPUR's Bandit Queen (and KAPUR in Delhi High Court for the same case as well) and found it relevant its stark projection. A docu-drama at best. The difference in direction between these two movies of different genres is the funding and production.

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